LUMIO: Nautilus First Deep-Space Mission!

Bologna, 15.10.2022

We are thrilled to take part in the LUMIO mission Phase B study with our colleagues from Politecnico di Milano, ARGOTEC, Leonardo, IMT - INGEGNERIA MARKETING TECNOLOGIA, and S&T Norway!

The main scientific objective of the mission LUMIO (Lunar Meteoroid Impact Observer) is to observe, quantify, and characterize impacts on the lunar farside.

The project is funded by Agenzia Spaziale Italiana and Norsk Romsenter and falls within the General Support Technology Program (GSTP) of European Space Agency - ESA.

During the 12-month period of the Phase B, the consortium led by DART Lab - Polimi will consolidate the mission design and the #CubeSat platform/payload design.

Nautilus will be in charge of the definition of the ground segment architecture and of the flight dynamics operations concept 📡🛰️

To the Moon and beyond! 🚀🌘🛰️